p2m marine

Innovative practical design

Forgot the drain plug! It is easily done but the result can be catastrophic! Our new simple and easily fitted device will protect you and your boat!

Don't let this happen to you!

One ultra-simple device will protect You from this FOREVER!

P2M Marine have developed a new and innovative product that will protect your boat from water damage and sinking. Guaranteed! It is easy to fit using DIY skills in only minutes. 

Our product is still in development prior to manufacture. However, we appreciate your interest.

If you would like to receive 30% discount code for our new product when it becomes available, please contact us.

Contact Us

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    Would you like to complete a short marketing survey regarding our product to receive a 50% discount code?


    Have you ever launched your boat without the drain plug inserted?

    How many times have you launched without the drain plug?

    Did your boat sustain damage as a result?

    Aside from damage did you find that the episode was embarrassing

    If there was a product on the market that would guarantee that you would not launch without the drain plug inserted would you be interested in buying it?

    What would you be prepared to pay for such a product?

    What is the value of your current boat?